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미디어싸이트를 파악해 내다. (0307~0311)


탄한테 블로그 포스팅 주제에 대한 아이디어를 물어보았다. 유디엘에 관련되서 하고 싶다고 하니 흥미로운 주제라면서 관련된 좋은 리소스를 보내주었다. 좀 차갑고 냉정하게 보이기도 하지만 괜찮은 아이인거 같다. 베트남 태생에 한살이 됬을때 미국으로 왔다고 한다. 그래서 아시안이지만 생각과 사고방식은 거의 아시아 사람이다. 


Good morning Linda, 

What I did last week 
Did some research on emerging trends. Universal design principle (i.e accessibility issue) can be a good topic I can tackle on. (Let me know if it is not ok.) 
Received some online training on Blackboard, Mediasite, and Screenflow (Mac version of Camtasia.)
Attended the two events for the video shootings: Digital Humanities on Thursday and American Black Women's Conference. 
What I will do this week 
Get the hang of Mediasite (It will take some time as the system is more complicated than I thought.)
Start to troubleshoot Blackboard issues
Write a blog post


주말 내내 읽은 유디엘에 관해서 글을 적어야 겠다는 생각이 들었다. 

Edcuass recently published a report on the key issues in teaching and learning in 2016. They listed 7 different issues, and "accessibility and universal design for learning" was the last item. It is interesting because accessibility and Universal design 
for learning (UDL) have been while with us. Then, how does these old issues become the key issues of the year? It intrigues my curiosity. 

It turns out that there was a law case between  

To answer this question, we would like to identify what UDL is, why it is crucial, and how we can apply it to the existing online courses for better changes. 

What is UDL? 

If you are like me, the word "universal" may throw you off. It may sound like UDL can be applied every possible way to our students. It sounds like you don’t need to know their particular cases or contexts. But UDL is actually quite opposite from what I thought. 

To simply put, universal design for learning refers to a theory and practice that focus on giving access to an equal opportunity to learn for different types of students. In particular, UDL concentrate on the need of marginalized students such as students with disabilities, non-traditional students, and English as a second language learners. By focusing on these students' specific needs and removing barriers in their classroom, all students can get benefits eventually. 
UDL might not be a familiar concept. But we can encounter many examples of it from a built-in function of any web browsers, computer, or smartphone devices. For example, on-screen keyboards allows the users to select keys with a mouse, helping people with mobility difficulties. Text-to-Speech function can permit computer users with blind to hear what they type. Also, magnifier can be used for people with visually impaired people.
The goal of UDL is simple. It is to use multiple ways of teaching materials, methods, and assessments to make barrier-free learning environment and try to give all students equal opportunities to succeed. 

Who is doing it? 

David Rose and Anne Meyer lay the foundation of Universal Design Learning in the 1990s. They coin the term Universal Design for learning after they met Ronald Mace, the founder of the concept of Universal design, in an architect conference. They found their approaches to design architecture and create learning materials are quite similar: consider the needs of people with disabilities first. David, Anne and three other clicinian
Todd Ross, influenced by David and Anne’s work succinctly expressed their approach as “Ban the average. Design to the edge.” He set up his own non-profit organization, working on individual psychology. 
They coin the term Universal degign for learing after they met 
National Center on UDL ("http://www.udlcenter.org")
CAST ("http://www.cast.org/our-work/about-udl.html#.Vt3rxZMrLuM")

제이씨한테 이메일을 해서 오피스에 들려도 되냐고 물어보았더니 흔쾌히 좋다고 한다. 제이씨는 지난번 미디어싸이트 런쳔에서 만난던 동료 인스트럭셔널 디자이너인데 컬리지 오브 엔지니어링이 되게 많이 미디어싸이트를 이용하고 있다고 했다. 좀 좋은 팁을 배울 수 있을까 해서 약속을 잡았더니 예스를 해준다. 탄 한테 배웠던 것을 복습할 수 있는 좋은 기회다. 

# blog posting 

You have a 10 years of teaching experience and receive two awards as a best teacher of the year. You were very proud of your teaching careers. However, this semester is a bit different. You have a student with visual impairment among students. YOu did not know what to do with this student. Should you ask her to check the 


Edcuass recently published report on the key issues in teaching and leanring in 2016. They listed 7 different issues, and "accessibilty and universal desing for learnig" was the last item. It draws my attention because I am somewhat familiar with the term accessiblity that is a web standrd for people with disability. As you probably know, accessibiity is a critical topic as a state agency that needs to follow Federal's regulation its law such as ADA. However, I did not know what Universal design for leanring means honestly. Thus, I started to search the information on UDL using my go-to teacher : Google. 

What is UDL? 

If you are like me, the word "universal" may throw you off. It may sound like UDL can be applied every possible way to our students without knowing their particular cases or contexts. But UDL is actually quite opposite from what I thought. 

The goal of UDL is simple. It is to use multiple ways of teaching materials, methods, and assessments to make barrier-free learning enviroment and give all students equal opportunites to succeed. 

UDL might not be a familiar concept. But we can enounter many examples of it in our built-in computer and smartphone. For example, on-screen keyboards allows the users to select keys with a mouse, helping people with mobility difficulties. Text-to-Speech function can allow comptuers users who are blind to hear what they type. Also, children can use speech recognition function to write in their smartphone. 

"Unversal design for learning refers to a theory and practice that focus on giving access to an equal opportunity to learn for different types of students. In particular, UDL concentrate on the need of marginazaled students such as students with disabilities, non-traditional students, and English as a second language students. By focusing on these studdents' specific needs and removing barriers in their classroom, all students can get benefits eventally. 

Universal design principles support many other instructional design methods. 
"Universal design for learning is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn

Universla design for learning is an approach to designing course instruction, materials, and content to benefit people of all learnig styles without adaptation or retrofitting. Universal design provides equal access to learning, not simply equal access to information. 

Universal desing for learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn." 


Who is doing it? 

David Rose and Anne Meyer first laid out the principles of Universal Design Leanring in the 1990s. 
They coin the term Universal degign for learing after they met 
National Center on UDL ("http://www.udlcenter.org")
CAST ("http://www.cast.org/our-work/about-udl.html#.Vt3rxZMrLuM")

UDL's approach can be expressed as "Ban the average. Design to the edge." from Todd Ross. We are illusion by average stdents and fixed curriculme, disservicing our students. Instead, we need more flexibl curriclum to meet diverse students' need. David Ross co-founded CASA. Since then, it makes a hugh impact on other organization such as Univiersity of Mimmensota, University of Oregon

The term universla design for learning coined by David Ross and his team. He and his team tried to address to meet special students' need. While he is doing that, he met Dona Ross who is the founder of Universial design with his board memeber's introduction. 

Ten Simple Steps Toward Universal Design of Online Courses 
1. Develop content first, then design. 
2. Provide simple, consistent navigation. 
3. If you use an image, make sure to put alt tag. 
4. Include an accommodation statement. 
4. Choose LMS tools carefully. 
5. Model and teach good discussion board etiquette. 
6. use color with care 
7. Provide accessible document formats 
8. Choose fonts carefully. 
9. Covert PowerPoint to accessible HTML 
10. If it's auditory make it visual; if it is visual make it auditory. 


who can get Benefit from UDL? 

A If you ever tried to watch the enws or a game in a noisy restaurant, you probably used the closed captions to follow along. Closed captions are mainly for people with hearing impairment. Yet, it can be benefical for everyone. "https://www.understood.org/en/school-learning/assistive-technology/assistive-technologies-basics/universal-design-for-learning-what-it-is-and-how-it-works"
Likewise, any students can get benefit by following UDL principles. 

Likewise, UDL's main focus is to help students with special needs. However, every students can get some benefit from these principles. 

We can give a lot of benefits to various types of students. Students with disabilities, students who speak English as a second language, and non-traditional students.First, they can access the course materials without difficiuoty. They have options to choose that they can feel more comfortalbe to consume. If we can create a barrier-free classroom by focusing on these types of students, all students can get benefits eventually. 
How we are doing it? 
There are three major principles in UDLFirst, teachers should consider multiple ways of presentiong new infomration. For example, traditional textbooks are mainly visual. Teachers can provide audio and hands-on learning activities. Second, teachers can give kids more than one way to 

Provide multiple means of engagement / Provide multiple means of representation / Provide multiple means of action and expresison. 

# UDL 

아침에 좀 늦게 갔더니 탄이 와서 앞으로도 화요일 계속 늦게 올거냐고 물어본다. 와이프랑 같이 다니기 때문에 늦을거라고 대답을 해주었더니 자기가 그럼 린다한테 이야기한다고 한다. 왜 자기가 린다하고 이야기를 하는지...매니저도 아니면서.. 린다한테 얘기 했냐고 물어보니 그렇다라고 대답한다. 이 아가씨가 매니저행세를 할려고 하네하는 생각이 들었다. 그런 낌새를 눈치챘는지, 앞으로 늦으면 린다한테 이야기해야한다고 한다. 

나중에 린다와 대화를 나누었다. 탄에 대한 이야기는 하지 않고 단지 내 아이디어만에 집중했다. 탄에게 전에 블로그 포스팅에 관한 아이디어를 이야기한적이 있었는데, 그 이후에 공화당 대선후보 토론이 있던 날 미팅에서 탄이 블로그 포스팅 아이디어를 이야기하는 것을 보고, 좀 찝찝한 마음이 들었다.  아이디어를 가로채는 아이구나. 내가 적응할 수 있도록 많이 도와주니까 한편으로는 고맙다는 생각이 들면서도, 왠지 나를 매니지할려고 한다는 생각이 드니 조심해야겠다는 생각도 들었다. 

린다랑 이야기를 하면서 이것저것 물어보았다. 엑세서빌러티나 다른 유디엘에 관련된 사항들을 실천하고 있는지...하지 않고 있다고 하면서 자기가 알고 싶은 것들은 좀 더 행정적인 사항들에 대해서 유연성을 가질수 있는 방법을 알고 싶다고 했다. 예를들면 어떻게 사람들이 3일 이전에 컨택을 해서 우리가 셋업을 할 수 있는지....리설치를 좀 했더니, 펜스테이트에서 좋은 템플릿을 가지고 있었다. 

classts@uh.edu - mediate account request 

classidt@uh.edu  - send request Davis, Ivey S" <ISDavis@Central.UH.edu>


Would you please recheck the addition of Sunhong Hwang (shhwang@central.uh.edu)  to the following listservs:



He has not been receiving the messages to either listserv.

Thank you,


탄이 자꾸 이메일을 받았는지 물어본다. 먼가를 받아야 되는데 안받는거 같은 느낌이 었다. 그게 뭔가 하고 봤더니 

classidt@uh.edu 로부터 오는 이메일이었다. 


왜 내가 안들어가 있을까....알리랑 체크해 보니까 내 알리아스 이메일이 씨오이.유에이치.이디유로 되어있어서 그랬던 것이다. 본격적으로 이메일을 받기 시작했다. 

하루종일 미디어 싸이트를 들이파서 좋은 정보들을 얻어낼수 있었다. 

미디어 싸이트 트레이닝 머티리얼. 

Mediasite tutorials 
https://video.ufl.edu/streaming/mediasite/help/ University of Florida 
http://www.pharmacy.umaryland.edu/about/offices/administration/av/mediasite/commonproblems.html University of Maryland pharmacy. 

# Mediasite training
http://www.3playmedia.com/services-features/tools/integrations/mediasite/ # mediasite caption 
http://unleash.sonicfoundry.com/agenda/ # mediasite conference 
http://www.sonicfoundry.com/wp-content/uploads/imports/ttu-mediasite_yn-iw-final.pdf # Texas Tech use Media site
# upcoming webinar 
http://www.sonicfoundry.com/category/customer-highlights/upcoming-live-webcasts/ # University of Leed
https://mymedia.leeds.ac.uk/Mediasite/Presentation/1c8bb2e3e1c542cc83858a81ec2d0a5444/2f139d56e605406f934af2efc4ef3f8d1d # Videosite promo
Hello Mike, 
I am a new instructional designer at University of Houston. 
And I will administrate Mediasite portal along with my team member. 
Thus, I worked through your web site, and found very nice video tutorials
from the following web site. 
I think the narrator of the videos is you. 


Do you have any other video training tutorials for the administrator level? 
I would like to come up with some sort of best practice of using Mediasite, sharing with others. 


팀 미팅이 있었다. 팀의 이벨류에이션과 퍼포먼스에 관련된 사항들이었는데..

난 또 왜 나는 아무것도 안하고 의자만 덥히냐고 질문할 줄 알고 약간 쫄았다. 주제는 이제 메리트 시스템으로 간다는 것이었다. 

메를린과 탄과의 사이에서 약간 묘한 기류가 느껴진다. 데이타 비주얼라이젠에 대해서 이야기 하길래 알과 타블로를 이야기 해주었다. 이제 이런것은 도움이 안된다. 실체를 알고 있어야 한다. 정말 전문가가 되어야 살아남는다. 그렇지 않으면 어중이 떠중이 밖에 되지 않고 남는것은 하나도 없다. 

자신감이 점점 떨어진다. 집중해야 되는데...집중은 커녕 근심만 는다.

정신 바짝 차리자. 이세돌 9단이 구글이 개발한 딥마인드 알파고에게 패배했다. 

정말 슬픈일이다. 


미디어싸이트는 관련리소스가 그리 풍부하지 않아서 애를 먹었다. 그래서 유투브를 이용하는 대신 미디어싸이트를 이용하는 다른 학교들을 방문해서 어떻게 하고 있는지 베스트 프랙티스를 파악할려고 했다.  이메일이 쏟아져 들어오기 시작했다. 린다한테 가구들을 부탁했더니 바로바로 들어준다. 고맙다. 열심히 일해야겠다. 

들어오는 블랙보드 이슈들을 대부분 탄이 처리했다. 좀 난감했다. 난 뭘 해야 될지. 너무 빠르게 손을 쓴다. 그나마 다행인것은 그녀가 어떻게 처리했는지 정보를 공유한다는 것이다. 그녀의 답변을 근거로 나도 차분하게 답변해 나가야겠다. 

팡팡을 방문한 교수님이 있었다. 블랙보드에 이포트폴리오를 작성한다는 아주 기초적인 것이었지만, 교수님도 좋아하고 학생들이 블로그를 쓰니 반응이 달라졌다는 말씀을 하셨다. 성공적인 사례로 기억될 것 같다. 내가 하는 말을 이해가 안된다고 하셔셔 약간 당황했다. 앞으로 좀 더 천천히, 정확하게 말하도록 노력해야겠다. 

앤디를 도와주면서좀 더 많은 팁을 알 수 있었다. 이제 미디어 싸이트가 이해가 된다. 블랙보드만 이해를 하면 미디어에 관련된 프로젝트에 집중할 수 있을거 같다. 앤디와 함께 좋은 픽쳐들을 많이 찍고 아이디어도 많이 내어서 좀 더 잘 할 수 있도록 해야겠다. 

classts@uh.edu - mediate account request 

classidt@uh.edu  - send request Davis, Ivey S" <ISDavis@Central.UH.edu>


Would you please recheck the addition of Sunhong Hwang (shhwang@central.uh.edu)  to the following listservs:



He has not been receiving the messages to either listserv.

Thank you,


Mediasite and MyMedia are two distinct products that serve difference purposes. 

Mediasite is a hardware recording device that will record two full motion video streams of content from multiple sources including an in-room video camera, document camera, instructor station, or instructor laptop. It offers the ability to live stream or record and playback later. 

MyMediasite is a video storage solution that is available to everyone with a UW-Platteville account. You are able to upload MP4 video files to your account and them share them with whomever you choose including UW-Platteville student, faculty, staff, or the entire world! 

Where can I use it?

There are only four rooms on campus that currently offer Mediasite recording capabilities: our distance education rooms, Engineering Hall 308 and Ottensman 203, and the Speech rooms Doudna 212 and 214.

MyMediasite is available to you anywhere that you are able to access an internet browser. You can upload and view your presentations through the MyMediasite portal. 

When would I use it?

If you are looking to capture your presentation or lecture, but want someone to run the technology for you, Mediasite would be ideal. A technician will control what your audience will see while you are able to focus on giving your presentation. Mediasite can also be used to perform LIVE streaming events. 

MyMediasite is ideally used when you have created a video on your own and need a place to host it. 

Benefits and Limitations of Mediasite:

Benefits: High quality product that is ready to be streamed, technician takes care of the technology, able to capture audience's questions, LIVE streaming events

Limitations: location restricted to 4 classrooms on campus, requires a technician to run the technology

Benefits and Limitations of MyMediasite:

Benefits: Campus supported, easy to use, control who can view it

Limitations: must be in MP4 format, player requires Microsoft Silverlight 

Where can I find out more?

If you are interested in using one of the Mediasite equiped classrooms, please contact Media Technology Services to check availability. If you would like to create an account, or log into MyMediasite, please follow the MyMediasite button on the side. 

Need Help?

Search our KnowledgeBase
ITS KnowledgeBase is a searchable database with helpful documentation related to campus technologies.

Atomic Learning
Use your UW-Platteville username and password to access Atomic Learning video tutorials.

ITS Help Desk
107 Karrmann Library
Tel: 608.342.1400
Email: helpdesk@uwplatt.edu


제이씨(JC) 와 좋은 대화를 나누었다. 어떻게 하고 있는지 나한테 좋은 팁들을 많이 보여주었다. 

첫번쨰는 블랙보드로 웹링크를 걸때 에스를 부쳐서 첨가해야 한다는 것이다. 

두번쨰는 문제가 생기면 생긴 문제들을 다 다큐먼트화 해야 된다는 것이다. 엑셀로. 이것이 중요하다. 어떻게 무슨일이 생길지 모르니까 말이다. 

세번째는 파이어 팍스나 인터넷 익스플로로를 주 메인 브라우저로 사용해야 한다는 것이다. 

그도 프리젠테이션이나 스케줄만 사용하고, 플레이어나 템플릿은 사용하지 않는다고 한다. 

앤디가 별로 기분이 안 좋은거 같았다. 내가 어제 앤디가 부탁했던 비디오 컨버젼을 해서 업로드 하는 것을 좀 많이 해 놨어야 하는데, 그렇지 못했다. 집중해서 좀 더 많이 하도록 해야겠다.